How To Save On Food?

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Updated: October 25, 2023
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Reading Time: 8 Min
How To Save On Food?

Almost half the family budget of the average family remains in supermarkets, markets, and grocery stores near the house. How to get out of the supermarket with money in your wallet? How to save on products without denying yourself a full, healthy diet. It would seem impossible, but still, there are several ways to save on food, thanks to which you can save up to 30% of the monthly family budget.


A blitz survey was conducted among ordinary people about what they would choose - life without restrictions or savings on food and whether they perceive the notion of saving on food.


It is worth saying that the results were mixed. Many answered that they do not know how to save on food. Recipes choose simple ones to save money on travel.


Others argued for a strict economy in food and a planned family budget, which resulted in the accumulation of money. Still, others think they already save because they only eat at home and do not buy semi-finished products.


The fourth is that saving on food is important only if you need to save a certain amount for a substantial purchase and should only concern those products (cakes, ice cream) without which you can do without. Another group thinks you need to save on food only when saving ends. Others do not know how to save on food and will not even learn.


If, on the other hand, they are based on the opinions of expert nutritionists, it turns out that saving on food is possible. Still, it will not harm health since it is an expensive product that should be abandoned or limited by their eating, which is the most harmful to health.


Top 15 Ways To Save On Food:


1. Do not go shopping hungry or take a credit card. Pay only cash, so you will know how much money was spent.


2. Do not use semi-finished products; learn how to cook them yourself. Then, you will indifferently pass by shelves of half-finished products, sausages, and baked goods. In addition, your home-cooked dishes will not contain preservatives, dyes, and other inorganic additives.


3. Involve the family in the preparation of semi-finished products like cutlets. All this can be frozen for a long time; you can quickly make dinner if necessary. It is very productive to cook for future television series or shows.


4. Make a menu for a week. Then you will know exactly what you have for dinner and tomorrow for breakfast. You can rationally use the products for cooking on different days. Buy products less often and according to the compiled menu. Thus, the products will be used completely and will not remain and deteriorate. The savings on products will be substantial. In addition, you will save time, because you do not have to run several times to the store.


5. Go for groceries (your menu is very useful for a week). Do not step back from the list, and write up the desires you want in the menu for the next week.


6. Do not forget to take a discount card to save on products.


7. Take a shopping bag with you; do not buy it in the store. If you are not indifferent to nature, then take a tissue eco-bag with you to the store. It is not torn, stretched, and created from natural materials, which, at the end of the bag's life, can be absorbed by nature.


8. Choose goods from the lower shelves of supermarkets and the far corners of the shelves. The first one is cheaper; the second one is fresh.


In supermarkets, if you are interested in buying a more expensive product - it is placed at eye level, and when the buyer takes the goods, the storage period of which will soon end - it is placed in the first row on the store shelves.


9. Buy the chassis in your family for long-term storage from wholesale suppliers. Sugar, potatoes, and cereals can be bought in large bags - much cheaper. Cooperate in this matter with relatives, friends, or neighbors.


10. Pay attention to the local manufacturer because its transport, sales, and advertising costs significantly less, so local products are cheaper.


11. More often, go to the market - in a season in the markets, the products are fresh and even cheaper in the evening.


12. Remember the seasonality of vegetables and fruits. In the season, they are more useful and cheaper. Suppose you have a good freezer and master-freezing food, especially berries and greens. This will help save money on products in the winter.


13. Make workpieces for the winter. Jam, canned vegetables, soup preparations, etc. - allow you to save the family budget and make up for the lack of vitamins in your body in winter.


14. Buy meat and fish with the mind. The whole chicken is cheaper than in parts, and you can make soup from the paws and wings. You can also cook a variety of delicious dishes from inexpensive beef, while the energy value and the content of useful substances will be the same as that of a dish from the expensive tenderloin.


From the head of a redfish, you will get a delicious ear or fish broth for Japanese soups. Do not forget about their by-products; you can cook various delicious dishes.


15. Take food to work, do not buy coffee in the machine, and get a jar of natural coffee in a desk drawer. Quality will be higher, and the savings will be substantial.


After 2-3 months of such savings on products, you will realize that your family has started to eat more diversely and deliciously. In addition, you will feel a rush of energy because you began to eat healthy food, while the cost of food significantly decreased.


Which Is Better - Wholesale Or Retail?


Some believe it is more profitable to go shopping every day, some choose one hike a week, and even less often, buy goods for future use. It is impossible to say which approach is more beneficial.


The main thing is to go to the outlet, after writing a list of the necessary goods and postponing the amount necessary to pay for the purchase.


But, experts say that with increasing frequency of visits to the store, the risk of buying products, without which you can do well.


Savings That "Are Friends With Health."


Experts believe that the economy needs to start choosing a product because people subconsciously choose a product for the beauty of packaging, not for composition. As a result, the most expensive product is bought, but this does not guarantee its quality. Begin inspection from the price, read the composition, and only look at the packaging design.


In addition, it is worth paying attention to discounts, bonus programs of stores, as well as shares. At first glance, you will not be able to save much, but if you calculate how much money was saved in a month, you will be surprised.