8 of the Best Ways to Prepare Your Property for Sale

Updated: August 25, 2023
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8 of the Best Ways to Prepare Your Property for Sale


Deciding to sell your home and move can be a daunting decision to make. You might fear the unknown or worry about the arduous and stressful process. There’s even a chance you’re concerned about not getting enough money for your home or having it sit on the market for months. 


There may be no way to alleviate your fears completely, but you can secure a great price and a seamless house-selling process by preparing your home in the following ways.   


Selling Your Home As-Is


Moving can be stressful enough without worrying about preparing your property for open houses and prospective purchasers at a moment’s notice. You may be able to avoid that stress and discomfort by selling your home directly to a buyer like Avante homebuyers


Professional buyers purchase properties privately from sellers, renovate them, and then sell them to other buyers. They don’t require changing or cleaning the house when you move out. You can receive an offer within 24 hours, sell your property as is, and move out on a day that suits your needs. For many, this is one of the best ways to prepare a property for sale. 




Whether you sell publicly through a realtor or privately, decluttering may allow you to maximize your profit and sell faster. Clutter can distract prospective purchasers from the features of your home, which may mean they’re not as invested in purchasing your property as they might be if it was clean, tidy, and entirely accessible. 


Fortunately, decluttering is a straightforward task that has benefits for you as well as the buyer. By selling, donating, and throwing away items you don’t need, you have less to pack and move to your new home. 


Carry out this task room by room to make it less overwhelming. Separate your possessions into four piles: keep, throw away, donate, and sell. You can even look at hiring a skip to save multiple trips to landfills. You may be surprised at how straightforward yet effective this task can be. 



De-Personalize Your Property


If you decide to sell your home through a realtor, homebuyers may frequently be visiting. Make it easier for them to envision their family in your home by storing away personal possessions like family photos and heirlooms. 


If you have an eclectic taste in furnishings, consider toning down your décor to make your property appear more neutral. It might mean storing away throw pillows, blankets, and artwork that may not be to everyone’s tastes. 


Even your yard might require de-personalization, such as storing children’s toys and removing personal items from outdoor entertainment areas. 


Focus On Curb Appeal


The front yard is the first part of your property people see when they visit. It can set the scene for what’s to come or even prevent people from wanting to see more than they have. View the front of your home from an outsider’s perspective to see if you can identify any changes you can make to maximize your profit potential and sell your home faster. 


Even if you want to keep home renovations to a minimum, there are fast and easy options. You might like to paint the fence, clean out the spouting, water blast the footpath, and freshen up the mailbox.


Don’t Neglect Gardening and Landscaping


Gardening is not everyone’s favorite pastime, but it can be necessary if you want your property to stand out from the crowd. Spend time pulling out weeds, mowing lawns, trimming hedges, and raking leaves. Alternatively, you can hire someone to take care of these tasks. 


If aesthetics are important to you, spreading mulch on garden beds may help beautiful plants stand out, while planting grasses and adding borders to gardens may make them appear more modern. Many small, cost-effective changes take minimal time but may have maximum effect. 


Consider Lighting


Your home’s lighting may not be something you consider, but it can mean a lot to prospective purchasers. Consider how much natural lighting your property gets and see if you can maximize it. 


Trim trees that might provide excessive shade in some rooms and clean windows to let that sunshine filter through. Investing in LED light bulbs for better illumination and changing or cleaning light shades may also brighten a room. 


Some homeowners may also be able to maximize natural lighting by moving tall furniture away from windows and creating clear, defined paths from entry doors to windows. However, if these minor adjustments aren’t enough to illuminate each room perfectly, consider purchasing lamps to light up dark corners, mirrors to reflect light, and painting walls in lighter colors to maximize available light. 


Make Repairs


Unless you sell to a private buyer who will renovate your home to their tastes, it may be worth making repairs to speed up the selling process. Some repairs might be as effortless as replacing washers on leaking taps or as extensive as caring for damaged roof tiles. Let your budget and urgency to sell dictate how much time you spend making repairs. 



Stage It


If you know your furniture may detract from the beauty of your home, consider putting it into storage and hiring a staging company to set up their own. Staging has been known to make properties look more attractive in listing photos, and some homeowners have even stated that they’ve sold their homes for more than the homeowners thought they would when they made this investment. 


Staging services can be available for every room in your house, including everything from furniture and bedding to décor, accessories, and everything in between. 


Selling your property can be a significant decision, but it doesn’t have to be stressful and complicated. These small changes above may allow you to maximize your profit potential and sell more easily. All left is to decide which tasks you’d like to tackle and when you’d like that ‘sold’ sign to go up.