The Impact Of Sports And Physical Education On The Human Body

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Updated: September 02, 2023
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Reading Time: 8 Min
The Impact Of Sports And Physical Education On The Human Body


Physical culture, sports, and health are closely interrelated. The influence of environmental factors, the rhythm of modern life, and the constant presence of aggressive microorganisms in the environment weaken people's health. That is why it is so important to strengthen the body's defenses with all available means - balanced nutrition, timely treatment of various ailments, preventive measures to enhance immunity and physical activity.


The Relevance Of Physical Activity


In the conditions of technical progress with the advent of computers, smartphones, and other "devices" that facilitate a person's work and daily life, people's physical activity has dramatically decreased compared to the next decade.


This leads to a gradual decrease in a person's functional abilities, weakening of his musculoskeletal system, and changes in the work of internal organs - unfortunately, for the worse. Lack of movement and energy costs leads to malfunctions in all systems (muscular, vascular, cardiac, and respiratory) and the body, contributing to various diseases.


To play sports, one should observe a reasonable approach and moderation: overload during training is unacceptable. There is also the danger of traumatic injuries, so do not forget about safety measures.


That is why the influence of sport on human health is so important. Physical culture and sports sometimes become the only forms of motor activity accessible to man, with the help of which the natural need for movement and stress is satisfied.


Influence Of Movement On Systems And Organs


There are many sayings and articles, scientific research, and even dissertations about how sports affect human health. We will try to arrange all this information in a short and accessible form. So, the sport is good for health for the following reasons:


  •  The musculoskeletal system is strengthened: the volume and strength of muscles increase, and the skeleton bones become more resistant to stress. In training in the gym or during running, swimming, and cycling, the oxygen supply of muscles improves, and blood capillaries are activated, which are not involved at rest - more, new blood vessels are formed. Under the influence of regular training, the chemical composition of muscle tissues changes: they increase the content of energy substances, which leads to intensive metabolic processes, the synthesis of proteins, and the formation of new cells. Systematic training in physical culture prevents the development of such diseases of the organs of support and movement, like osteochondrosis, herniated discs, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis. 


  • The nervous system is strengthened and developed due to increased agility, speed, and better coordination of movements. Sports activities contribute to constantly forming new conditioned reflexes, which are fixed and folded into consecutive rows. The body can adapt to complex stress and perform exercises more efficiently and economically. The speed of the nervous processes increases: the brain learns to respond more quickly to stimuli and make the right decisions.


  •  Improves the work of the cardiovascular system. The effect of sport on the human body is expressed in increasing the heart's and blood vessels' endurance. Training makes all organs work in an intensive mode. Muscles under stress require an increased blood supply, which causes the heart to pump more volume of oxygenated blood per unit of time. At rest, the heart pushes about 5 liters of blood into the aorta in one minute; during training, this amount increases to 10 and 20 liters. A sportsperson's heart and blood vessels quickly get used to the stresses and recover as quickly after them.


  •  Improves the work of the respiratory system. With physical exertion, breathing becomes more intense due to the increased need for tissues and organs in oxygen. The air passing through the respiratory system per minute increases from 8 liters at rest to 100 liters when running, swimming, or exercising in the gym, Increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.


  •  Increases immunity and blood composition improve. Red blood cells increase from 5 million in one cubic millimeter to 6 million in regularly trained people. The level of lymphocytes (white blood cells) is also increasing, the task of which is to neutralize the harmful factors entering the body. This proves that sports strengthen defenses - the ability to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Physically active people get sick less often, and if exposed to the aggression of bacteria or viruses, they cope much faster.


  •  Improves metabolism: The trained organism better regulates the content of sugar and other substances in the blood.


The attitude to life changes. Physically active people are more cheerful and less subject to sharp changes in mood, irritability, depression, and neuroses.


The Impact Of Sport On A Growing Organism


Medical statistics show how sports and children's health are linked. According to doctors, 70% of often ill children and adolescents do not go in for sports and often miss physical education classes. Mental stress in school, sitting at the computer or TV in front of the house, leads to the body not getting a physical discharge. This contributes to functional impairment and turns schoolchildren or students into "young, old men" susceptible to diseases that were previously more often diagnosed in older people (pathologies of the skeletal system, vascular and heart diseases).


The influence of physical education and sports on the body of schoolchildren and students is invaluable - it is young and growing people who need constant loads and movement. The sedentary lifestyle of modern children causes extreme concern among doctors and educators.


Promoting Sport


Medical research, practical observations, facts, and even oral folk art testify to the beneficial effect of physical activity on a person: numerous proverbs about health and sport ("Who is engaged in sports, the forces are recruited," "Strong in the body is rich and deed," etc.).


Modern medicine and pedagogy are trying to popularize sports and instill a positive attitude to physical education in the mass consciousness. Health and sports days are held in schools and higher educational institutions, and school children receive free season tickets for swimming pools and training halls. However, the percentage of those who ignore the importance of physical activity for health is still great.


To play sports, one should observe a reasonable approach and moderation: overload during training is unacceptable. There is also the danger of traumatic injuries, so do not forget about safety measures.