Journey To Serenity: Embrace Inner Peace And Transform Your Life Through Meditation

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Updated: September 04, 2023
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Reading Time: 8 Min
Journey To Serenity: Embrace Inner Peace And Transform Your Life Through Meditation


Avery Wanshel  Contributor,


Avery Wanshel is a creative writer, author, and social media strategist who has worked for several high-profile brands and a few startup companies.


Meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress, clear your mind, and be more relaxed and conscious.


Meditation comes from Latin and means thinking, meditating, and thinking. Meditation, without any question, has religious roots, but it can also be practiced independently. Today, more than ever, meditation is a relaxation method sometimes used in psychotherapies.


Meditating is a simple mindfulness and concentration exercise. The facts are: You sit upright but comfortably in a quiet place, concentrating on your breath.


Thoughts are registered, but they do not let them go any further. Not a big tear, then. Easy and uncomplicated. And yet so effective.


Scientific studies show that regular meditation can help with health problems such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, heart problems, and pain.


In addition, it seems to affect the immune system positively. Subjects also showed less anxiety and depressive symptoms after several weeks of meditation training. It also improves brain activity and makes it more stress-resistant.


But what exactly does that mean for you, me, and our everyday life? What does meditation bring to everyday life?


Here are the top 5 why you, too, should start meditating immediately:


1. Meditation Provides Peace Of Mind



Usually, we think about something non-stop. Did I close the stove?" "I have to call my mother later"... what should I cook for dinner tonight? "..." Oh, you wanted to get new handkerchiefs, and so forth.


That's normal in itself. Our mind is constantly in motion. However, the constant mindset can also cause violent stress or bring us to sleep at night.


I'm sure you also know that you can't fall asleep because everything in your head is spinning or waking up at night just to start the carousel again.


Meditation can help you press the STOP button. Thoughts do not come from the outside but from the inside. Weselves are the creators of our thoughts, and we can decide whether or not to pursue a particular thought.


2. Meditation Increases Awareness And Concentration


By focusing on your breath, you are brought into the current moment. Past worries and plans fade.


This way, the mind is trained to focus on one thing without distraction. It promotes concentration and makes us clearer, more present, and more aware.


3. Meditation Helps Reduce Stress



Meditation exercises are accompanied by relaxation: lower blood pressure and heart rate. Muscle tension is released. The body comes to rest.


Our thoughts trigger the same physical state of arousal as the real world. For example, thinking of the imminent presentation, we sweat, tremble, etc. By letting the thoughts pass and concentrating on our breath, the body can also let go.


4. Meditation Can Relieve Pain



Meditation exercises are sometimes used in the treatment of pain or even in chronic diseases. It is not about eliminating the pain but changing the inner attitude toward him.


The idea is this: because we recognize pain as an enemy image, it causes a lot of stress in the body. For example, when I'm thinking of a toothache all the time, thinking about the unpleasant feeling ("ahh... this stupid tooth, it hurts ... it pokes and throbs, I can't concenanymorey more..."), my whole body tightens up everything reacts to my anger towards this aching tooth.


But as soon as we learn to accept the pain, the body can relax, which causes us to perceive pain as less subjective.


5. Meditation Leads To More Serenity



Meditation can help us to develop some distance from the confusion of our thoughts. The same applies to our feelings. Feelings are also temporary phenomena of the mind.


Some people displace them by swallowing everything and eating it down. Others must let out everything, let off steam, and release pressure.


Both often cause a lot of damage.


We can give birth to our feelings through meditation, naming, and accepting them without nourishing them with further thoughts.


Regular meditation training thus helps you feel your body, thoughts, and feelings better and more consciously and accept these things as part of yourself.


No Master Fell From The Sky


Do you still ask yourself the question: What does meditation bring?


Probably not. I hope I have shown you that meditation can greatly enrich your life—no wonder so many people swear by it.


However, like most good things in life, it does not work overnight and requires a lot of patience, perseverance, and regular exercise.