Tempest To Tranquility: Mastering The Art Of Dealing With Tantrums In Children

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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Tempest To Tranquility: Mastering The Art Of Dealing With Tantrums In Children


As soon as your baby is out of the woods, there are defiance, anger, and screaming attacks that you have to deal with. How do you handle that?


Tantrums in children can be a challenging and often overwhelming experience for parents. Whether it's a screaming fit in the grocery store or a meltdown at home, tantrums can leave parents feeling frustrated and at a loss for what to do. But fear not; there are effective strategies that can help you navigate these stormy moments and restore peace and harmony in your household.


In this blog, we will explore practical ways to deal with tantrums in children that will not only help you handle the immediate situation but also build a foundation for better behavior in the long run. Understanding the underlying causes of tantrums is the first step toward effective resolution.


We will delve into techniques such as giving the child space, acknowledging their emotions, and providing a calm and reassuring presence. Utilizing these strategies can defuse tantrums and promote healthier emotional expression in your child.


Furthermore, we will discuss how to reduce the frequency of tantrums in everyday life by implementing routines, setting clear expectations, and fostering a positive and nurturing environment. Creating a supportive and consistent framework can minimize triggers and help your child develop essential coping skills.


So, let's dive into these valuable tips and learn how to navigate tantrums with patience, understanding, and positive parenting techniques that will benefit you and your child. Together, we can transform those challenging moments into opportunities for growth and connection.


Just A Trifle? Ways To Deal With Tantrums In Children


The first time your child writhes on the floor and screams incessantly, you probably have a big question mark written on your face. What looks like a sheer exaggeration is, for your child, mostly an existential problem, an important learning process, and, above all, a necessary developmental step.


It is strategically wise to accompany him lovingly and gently. Scolding, screaming, and despairing does not help, even if you sometimes feel like it. The best five tips to calm your child and minimize tantrums, you get here!


1. Understand The Tantrum


The TV goes off, and screaming comes on. Each of us has observed his child. That is a natural reaction to something your child cannot yet do with an "adult" strategy. It is just getting to know its emotional world, and it processes a lot of anger, frustration, and defiance.


It would be best if you did not take this personally but as an important step in your child's healthy development. If you start screaming or scolding yourself, you are maneuvering into a tunnel nobody can escape.


2. Leave The Child Alone


The first step in a tantrum is to leave the child alone. It is probably hard for you, especially at the supermarket checkout. But what has accumulated must first get out.


In the first few seconds of a scream, your child is in the tunnel and inaccessible to words or gestures. So, let's pass for a few seconds and stay quiet without commenting. It would be best to suppress a laugh or a scolding - because your child feels misunderstood and does not learn to deal with anger.


3. Confirm And Testify


In the second step, you name the situation that is happening right now. It may seem stiff, but it helps your child, who does not understand what's happening to him. When the TV is off, and your child gets a scream, you can often and constantly repeat: The TV is off. That's mean! You still wanted to watch TV, right? "


So, you put it into words for your child to make the tantrum tangible. You should say these repetitive sentences with a neutral mind and calm tone. Give your child time to regain his composure and patiently sit down without touching the child.


4. Calm Down And Explain


In the next step, talk carefully to your child. The quieter you talk, the faster it calms down. If you are talking very quietly, your child must be able to understand you acoustically.


You can now say a simple and age-appropriate explanation of what just happened. You can also ask, "Shall I explain it to you?" - Because then you know if your child is ready for an explanation, a compromise, and a move on. Stay clear, factual, and empathic in your statement: "I just turned off the TV - that got you very excited, right?" - That's usually enough to calm the child down.


You can explain your motives and suggest a compromise: "I turned off the TV because there are dinners. If you want, you can watch a program tomorrow after kindergarten again. I would like to have supper with you. If your child doesn't want to compromise, repeat the reasons until your child is ready to compromise.


5. Reduce Tantrums In Everyday Life


To minimize such tantrums, it always helps to prepare your child for situations. You do not like it when your partner makes your favorite show on TV easy. It's important to tell your child, "Now you're going to watch it, and then I turn off the TV. Then there is supper." When you prepare your child for situations and take his concerns and preferences seriously, you will be spared the tantrum in most cases.