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Used: 23 Times
The art of underwater gardening.
Aquascaping is the craft of arranging aquatic plants, as well as rocks, stones, cavework, or driftwood, in an aesthetically pleasing manner within an aquarium.
6 Months.
Aquascaped aquariums provide the perfect habitats for small shoaling fish and species like scarlet badis as well as shrimp.
An aquarium filter is required.
Weekly maintenance tasks Clean aquarium glass. Trim plants if required. Remove any excess collected organic waste from the substrate using siphon hose just above it. Clean filter if required. Clean glassware if required. Perform 50% water change.
They are very durable and can last longer outdoors.
Yes, by using a gravel vacuum.
Planted tanks are less work to maintain than conventional aquariums, but they require proper planning.
CO2 is arguably the most important element in the planted aquarium.
Tetras regularly top most lists of the best aquascaping fish because they have all of the qualities we're looking for. They are nearly all carnivorous, small, schooling, and have bright colors that nicely complement the greens, dark reds, and browns of an aquascape.
Aquarium plants do need oxygen.